Xcoke is our CocaCola-vending-machine-status-monitor for X-windows.

Screen shot
You can check the man page.
You can soon download a distribution including the source code,
the libsx-library and a binary for the HP9000s700 series.
If you plan to run the program at DIKU, please notice that xcoke has
not yes been compiled to HPUX version 10. This means, that xcoke only
runs on machines still running HPUX 9, such as Embla. We'll have a
new version out very soon. If you'd still like to run xcoke, you must
do the following:
- Setup
your PATH and MANPATH in order to use dikunix programs.
Now you can type
xcoke and man xcoke at your command prompt.
- If you want to run it at startup you can add the following line in your
~/.xsession, before "xlogout":
/usr/local/dikunix/bin/xcoke -geometry 156x90-1+150 &
If you are running it under the TWM windows manager (if you don't
know what window manager you are running, then you probably are!)
you probably want to add "xcoke" to the NoTitle section of your
~/.twmrc file in order to remove the titlebar from the xcoke