This page contains something as odd as software projects developed at a cafeteria (Datalogisk Kantineforening in Danish). This cafeteria, however is no ordinary cafeteria, it is a student-driven lunch-room and place to hang out at the computer science institute at the University of Copenhagen (DIKU).
Being a computer science institute we naturally make the software that we need. These are the projects we have developed over the years. Each of the projects can be found in the SVN repository where further information is provided, and some have w a dedicated web page:
- Monket Calendar - An online AJAX enabled calendar very similar i appearance to Google Calendar
- Coke - Royal Vendor vending machine online sales statistics
- Old coke - A trip down memory lane to the first Coke-statistics project for a Dixie Narco vending machine
- Burglar - a parallel port readable
- slideshow-0.7.0-diku - Simple info channel display
- mls-1.2.2-diku